Laura Wheeler

Childs Knitted Mittens, Laura Wheeler 579

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  • Vintage Childs Knitted Mittens Pattern, Striped Design 579
  • Kids knitted mitten pattern illustration, Laura Wheeler 579

"Mittens for all the children in no time at all! They're knitted on two needles in a straight piece. Well fitting in Sport yarn. Make gay sprites out of scrap wool. Very easy to knit"


Knitted Mittens:  These knitted mittens, worked in two needle, are made in a straight piece and overcast together 1. long side. The stripes are worked in various colors using scrap yarn if desired. Directions are given in our sizes - 4 year size, 6 year size, 8 year size and 10 year size - all four sizes are given in the one pattern. 

This is a Mail Order pattern purchased through newspapers and catalogs.  The pattern was marketed as Laura Wheeler 579 in 1944.    .  This pattern was also included in the Laura Wheeler 1946 Designs Catalog. 

MATERIAL REQUIREMENTS (FOR ALL SIZES): 1 (2 ounce) ball of red, 1/2 ounce each of white, navy blue and powder blue Sport Yarn, a set of four No. 3 bone (American) or No. 10 bone (English) sock knitting needles (pointed at both ends). 

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