Alice Brooks

Filet Crochet Rose Pattern, Chair Set, Alice Brooks 7060

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  • Filet Crochet Rose Davenport Chair Set Pattern Design 7060
  • Filet Crochet Rose Pattern, Chair Set, Alice Brooks 7060
  • Mail Order Design Pattern 7060 Filet Char Set Newspaper Advertisement

Vintage 1944

How easy to match sets for sofas and chairs! Crochet just the center section of soft back. Presto, chango . . . now you have a chair back!  It's filet crochet in the daintiest and prettiest of patterns.  Use No 30 cotton.  


Filet Crochet Chair Set:  This pattern contains directions for making a filet crochet davenport set made of No. 30 Mercerized Crochet Cotton. The center section of davenport back will make the chair back. The pattern contains charts: also instructions how charts are to be used.   The davenport back will measure 13 x 31, the chair back 13 x 16 and the arm rests are 6 x 13 inches each. 

This is a Mail Order Design pattern purchased through newspapers and catalogs.  The pattern was marketed as Alice Brooks 7060 in 1941.   

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