Knitted Argyle Stocking Cap, Mittens Pattern, Design 7025

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Vintage 1969

Think Christmas—knit this set for warmth and fashion!  Add spice to sports outfits with argyle! Knit short or long stocking cap that wraps like a scarf plus mittens of worsted.  Sizes S, M, L included:

  • Argyle Knitted Stocking Cap Pattern with Mittens
  • Materials Chart
  • Mail Order Design 7026 Knitted Arcyle Cap and Mittens Pattern Newspaper Advertisement


Knitted Argyle Cap and Mittens:  This pattern contains directions tor an argyle stocking cap that can be made in lengths to be used as a cap or cap and scarf combination; also contains knitted mittens. Pattern includes small, medium and large sizes.   Full page charts are given for cap and mittens.

This is a Mail Order Design pattern purchased through newspaper advertisements and catalogs.  The pattern was marketed as Alice Brooks 7025 in 1969.  

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